I have had a very productive weekend so far (and it’s only Saturday!). I am spending some of my day today going back through my easy Coderbyte solutions and cleaning most of them up. I will also be adding in comments for most of the lines explaining my logic. So a lot of the files will look like this:
functionFirstReverse(str) {return str.split("") //splits the string into an array of characters
.reverse() //reverses the array
.join(""); //joins the array back into a string, with no space between the characters
This is actually a lot of fun for me. Now that we’re getting into more abstract concepts like MVCs and servers it’s nice to just go back and power through some JavaScript code and understand exactly what it’s doing.
As always, you can find my coderbyte solutions on GitHub (I will be posting updates to it throughout the day), but I feel like I need to start adding a caveat, because of the amount of people who have said they found my blog looking for coderbyte solutions. Just staring at my code isn’t going to make you understand JavaScript. You need to do it for yourself. If you’re brand new to JavaScript, just seeing the cool tricks is not going to make you a programmer. I really recommend things like Udacity, Codecademy and other sites that talk about the fundamentals of comp sci/programming.
Finally finished up the last 6 Coderbyte challenges. I had planned to finish them on Tuesday but I got home from an all day work “thing”, took a shower and passed out. On Wednesday I had a much-needed pajama party with relatives and watched some old Downton Abbey (season 2, Matthew just got the use of his legs again *sniff*). The last 6 challenges were plagued with me forgetting what variable type I was juggling. Most of my errors were fixed by type conversions. I still believe nothing was as hard as that stupid Array Addition. Everything else I was able to piece together on my own, but I don’t think I would have ever solved that one without a bit of a nudge from other coders. I think I need more math logic. I should probably take a class or find a good book (oh the torture) on the subject. I plan on reading through Professional JavaScript for Web Developers over the weekend and maybe running through all 26 again (no peeking!) on Sunday as prep for Tuesday’s interview. After I get in (I need to tone down the bravado), I want to go back and try the harder challenges. Wish me luck on everything! Also, as always, my Github with the updates. My favorite code this time was MeanMode which checks to see if the mean and the mode of an array are the same. It’s probably my favorite because I literally couldn’t remember what the mode of an array was and had to look up remedial math stuffs. That was humbling.
I figured it out! Sort of on my own, sort of studying how others had “solved” it in different languages (a few of the “solutions” didn’t seem to work). Array Addition I is now my bitch. Also the next 10 easy problems from Coderbyte are on my GitHub. 6 more to go (well 7 actually, I gave up on ArithGeo, but the solving of Array Addition gives me hope that I will figure it out tomorrow). Problem description: Using the JavaScript language, have the function ArrayAdditionI(arr) take the array of numbers stored in arr and return the string true if any combination of numbers in the array can be added up to equal the largest number in the array, otherwise return the string false. For example: if arr contains [4, 6, 23, 10, 1, 3] the output should return true because 4 + 6 + 10 + 3 = 23. The array will not be empty, will not contain all the same elements, and may contain negative numbers. And my solution: (basically grabs the largest value out of a provided array and it runs through all the possible sum combinations of all the other numbers to see if one of those sums equals the largest values)
functionArrayAdditionI(arr) {
arr.sort(function(a,b){return a - b})
var largest = arr.pop();
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
sum += arr[i];
for (var j = 0; j < arr.length; j++){
if (i != j) {
sum += arr[j];
if (sum == largest) {
for (var k = 0; k < arr.length; k++) {
if (i != k) {
sum -= arr[k];
if (sum == largest) {
sum = 0;
I’ve been practicing my JavaScript for the HackReactor interview on the 20th (wish me luck by the way). They sent around an email saying to be prepared so you didn’t have to reschedule (I’m suddenly glad I couldn’t get an appointment straightaway). They recommended being able to get through all the easy challenges on Coderbyte in < 5 minutes. Yikes? Surprisingly not. I’m having a lot of fun.
There are a couple things I’ve obviously forgotten (I had to look up the regex to keep only alpha characters, I suck at regex), but I’m pretty fast. I’m also realizing just how not amazing I am at the trickier puzzles. There are one or two in there that I still don’t understand, even after I caved and looked up how others solved them (Array Addition I, I’m glaring at you).
There are 26 easy challenges. I’ve decided to run through at least 10 a day, so I finished the first 10 today and uploaded them to my GitHub. My favorite one so far was the TimeConvert, which took a number (e.g. 126) and converted to the amount of hours and minutes (e.g. 2:6). I could have made it prettier by added a preceding 0 in the minutes, but the goal of these is speed and the instructions didn’t ask for that pretty extra. This was my favorite because I just have this weird love for modulus. The code to solve it:
functionTimeConvert(num) {var minutes = num % 60;
var hours = parseInt(num/60);
return"" + hours + ":" + minutes;