Week 12: And So It Comes to an End

I don’t know where to start this week. So many things happened and they all seemed like we had been waiting for them forever and now they’re gone and I miss everything. Hiring Day was Tuesday. We demoed Helix and then I got to talk to 10 companies that were looking for Software Engineers. I was terrified but once I got down to business and started talking with the company representatives it got more fun.

Wednesday was fun too. I had my first call with a recruiter (who basically just called to say the job had changed, but could he keep me in mind for future things?). We also got to demo Helix live at the Famo.us Launch Preview. Sara did the narration and I drove the app.

The next day (Thursday) I stayed in my apartment because I was out really late for the party, but I had another talk with a recruiter, a talk with a tech lead, and a coding challenge for another company to do. I bombed the talk with the tech lead. Literally, I didn’t realize it was going to be a tech interview, it was my first one, and I just froze. Right after I got off the phone (“You failed. Good luck with other companies” were his parting words), I had the coding challenge waiting in my email from another company. I dusted myself off and finished the challenge in an hour, emailed it back and then cried. Thursday kinda sucked.

Friday was a bit of a blur, I told everyone about my failure the day before (it was cathartic) and then talked to ANOTHER recruiter and then partied down at my graduation party.

Saturday was calm. Lots of hugs and reflecting and a snazzy new Hack Reactor t-shirt I will wear with pride.
Hack Reactor Tshirt
I don’t really know how to feel about this crazy journey. I know it’s not over yet, I don’t think it will ever be over. I’ve made friends/family that will last forever and I will always be proud of our community and its people and what amazing things have been accomplished in their walls.

I’m obviously a bit terrified of the coming weeks and months. It’s a whole new adventure to navigate through filled with tech interviews and the highs and lows of finding a job. But I’m not going anywhere without my fellow HackR’s or this blog, so I think I’ll be OK.